Monday, September 17, 2007

More Explorations with Essential Oils

Last week's dental visit went very well. I got high marks for the condition of my gums and teeth. In fact, there's been improvement in the gum-pockets. I can't help but wonder if using Thieves essential oil on my toothpaste twice a day hasn't helped the condition of my gums.

We've had more week-end house guests and so I've had more opportunities to offer essential oil uses and remedies to folks to try. Our friend, Dani loved the Lemon oil in water with stevia that I mentioned in my last post. Since writing that post, I purchased some Grapefruit oil and have been using it the same way. Dani loved that one too. One day she also tried some Thieves on the bottoms of her feet after a shower to help with an allergy-symptom (stuffy nose, watery eyes). She may have been allergic to one of our cats, although she has a cat. I think she love the Thieves oil as much as I do.

Another guest had a congested cough. He'd listened to us talking about how some of us had used a couple of drops of Thieves in some honey for respiration, problems dealing with colds, etc. Finally he asked if we could fix him some Thieves and Honey for his cough. We did and he stopped coughing almost immediately. He slept later than normal the next morning; and, when he awoke he said that he'd slept better than he had in a few days.

I ordered the Essential Oil Desk Reference -- the package that included the big book itself along with a smaller version that's spiral bound to carry, plus a CD. The CD is wonderful for doing searches and the small spiral bound book goes with me wherever I take my case of oils, i.e., trips. If you're interested in purchasing this desk reference, go to

Lastly, I've got a Young Living website up: Come visit my site and take a look around.

That's it for now. I'll keep on writing about my experiences and explorations.