Kabbalah and Wholeness

Integrated Kabbalistic Healing is both a healing modality AND a mode of living consciously & in alignment with one’s True Nature.

As a healing modality, it works multi-dimensionally with all Kabbalistic levels of the soul. Kabbalistic healing works with the spiritual anatomy of the whole person — the fundamental relationships between the body, mind and soul.

Integrated Kabbalistic Healing helps the client not only see repeated life-patterns, but also helps with finding and healing the root-cause.

Integrated Kabbalistic Healing is an excellent healing modality to use long-distance — by telephone or by Skype. In fact, a large portion of my client-base is long-distance.

Using Kabbalistic principles associated with parallelism and inter-inclusion, clients often find results astonishing. Not only do they personally begin to heal to their own True Self/Nature, but often something similar begins to happen to others around them, i.e., family members, workmates, etc.

The Principle of Parallelism
The often-used phrase “as above, so below” is a simplistic example of the principle of parallelism. Life experiences in the physical (Relative) world correspond to, or are reflections of, other soul levels. Integrated Kabbalistic Healing works with all soul-levels.

The Principle of Inter-inclusion
The principle of inter-inclusion can be understood easily by the statement: “An acorn contains all that is necessary for a mighty oak to grow.” The acorn contains the blueprint, so-to-speak, for the whole tree. These same principles can be found in quantum physics. Integrated Kabbalistic Healing reveals how each issue we’re working with contains the bigger picture of our life.

The understanding of how a hologram, or a holographic photo, works is yet another example. If you cut a small piece from a holographic photo, the whole photograph would be included in that small piece that was cut out.

To find out more about how to make an appointment to experience this amazing healing modality, go to my website at www.asoulconnection.com.

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