Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Consider this . . .

A Basic Law of the Heart

If you turn outward, not only will you get what is outside, but by the very movement toward the outside, the inside will close. So if you turn outward, the heart closes. If you turn inward, toward your essence, it will open.

(excerpts from Diamond Heart, Book One, Ch 13, Growing Up, by A.H. Almaas)

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Sunday, April 08, 2012

Laughter -- Now and Then

Today I read this quote by an ancient philosopher, Philo (20 BCE-50 CE):

“The goal of wisdom is laughter and play— not the kind that one sees in little children who do not yet have the faculty of reason, but the kind that is developed in those who have grown mature through both time and understanding. If someone has experienced the wisdom that can only be heard from oneself, learned from oneself, and created from oneself, one does not merely participate in laughter: one becomes laughter itself.”

This quote reminded me of a poem I'd written back in 2003 about consciously experiencing laughter.


Now, you are mine
Bubbling up
Releasing outward
Can't hold you in
Must let you flow out
Oh, I CAN share you with others
But I don't need to share you
I can laugh out loud all by myself
And, NOW I can laugh with God
  at myself . . . Divine Laughter

~ Deborah Saunders
July 15, 2003

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