Self-discovery Classes Etc.

Every class, workshop, and small group is uniquely crafted specifically to help participants realize more of their intrinsic potential, to become more aware of who they are, why certain things push their buttons, and how to live more authentically in the world.

This expanded territory can be experienced by anyone who’s interested in becoming less contracted, more flexible and open which is experienced as freedom. What would it be like to be free? Not only from the limitation of being something in particular but the freedom to be anything!

Inspired by Curiosity & Wonder
Isn’t it delightful when you find yourself among others who are interested in exploring something new? Remember when you were a child and full of questions? There are many ways to learn new skills, new subject-matter. But that’s not what Self-discovery Classes Etc.® is about. The subject of exploration is YOU! What do you think about that?

Did you know that . . .

. . . you are very, very interesting!?

. . . you really are a multidimensional being!?

. . . your relationship to Reality is vitally important!?

An Invitation to Explore
Come explore with me and others of like hearts and mind.

For more information about Self-discovery Classes Etc., visit my website at

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