Soul Expressions Dialogue

What a relief to the Ego! The very idea that process work exists that not only understands the value of the ego and it’s development but can also work together with the Ego in a collaborative way.

Soul Expressions Dialogue® uses a process of dialoguing with aspects of the Soul/Self including all four quadrants: body, mind, emotions, and soul. This wonderful synthesis of dialogue processes works collaboratively with the small self (Ego) in such a way that it not only does not feel threatened, but it actually helps us do the work.

Inspired by the dialogue process work of (1) Hal and Sidra Stone’s Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves ™; (2) Judith Tamar Stone’s Body Dialogue™ ; and (3) Genpo Merzel Roshi’s Big Mind ™. I synthesized all three and then included two pieces vital to the soul-level work I do with individuals — the emotions and the soul.

A beautiful result of working “with” the Ego is that we become more conscious human beings by integrating all the many selves within our Soul/Self.

To find out more about "Soul Expressions Dialogue," go to my website at

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