Friday, July 01, 2011

Day 42, Malkhut within Yesod

Malkhut (kingdom, the reflection of everything) Malkhut represents the power that ultimately unifies all the diverse powers of the Sefirot and holds everything together. Without Malkhut, creation would remain incomplete.

While reading a presentation BB will be giving, a spark of revelation shocked me -- it was just like being zapped.  What I was reading was using some quite beautiful writing about "claiming yourself but not owning yourself."  She wrote that you do not own yourself -- not even your sense of I . . . of being a self . . . don't reduce yourself to a thing [a good thing nor a bad thing].  I realized (recognized) something about myself in that moment  . . . something that had changed and I'd almost missed . . . that I no longer was trying to become something or someone else (an improved version?) . . . I somehow had given that struggle up.  I realized in that moment that I truly only want to be who/what I already am.  Not what/who I think I am . . . but who/what I truly am!

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