Thursday, July 26, 2012

An Awareness Bubblebath

Here's a meditation practice that I highly recommend for both meditators and non-meditators. It's an awareness practice that I call a Somatic Meditation. I'll get to what "somatic" means in a bit, but first let's look at the benefits.

If you practice this meditation for awhile, you'll experience some interesting things as you go about your day. How long is awhile? It's actually different for everyone. It may be a few days or weeks. It may even be that you experience something different that very same day.

What can you expect? Again, there's a smorgasbord of experiences and they're all good. You'll actually feel more alive, more in tune with your body, your inner-being, and with others. You'll feel more centered within yourself, more connected, grounded. You'll find that some things that might have pushed your buttons in the past no longer have the same charge they once did.

Somatic has to do "with the body." This particular practice brings consciousness to your physical body merely by focusing your own awareness on different parts of your body. This is not a body-scan. You don't want to zip through this. You want to do this very, very slowly -- take your time. Give this time to yourself; luxuriate in the whole experience as if you're taking an awareness bubble-bath.

When I do this meditation practice, I start with one side of my body beginning with one foot; and then I move up my body. When I get to my head I move back down the other side of my body and end with the opposite foot.

You want to use your awareness to really feel whatever part of the body you're focusing on. For example, let's say you start with your right foot, notice (with your awareness) the feel of your foot, the way it curves, the temperature, the texture. Just notice whatever you notice. Then, as you move up to your ankle, notice (with your awareness) the bones in the ankle, how they protrude out a little. Notice how when you move up the front of your leg from the ankle, to the shin, how the skin over the shin-bone feels. Is it taut? Is it sensitive? Just notice whatever you notice. Go over your whole body with this awareness-touching.

Try this meditation practice in bed before you get up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. If you want to use this at work during a break, go for it. Experiment with it. Enjoy it!

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