Thursday, February 02, 2012

Tapping -- The Missing Piece
(Continued from "Re-exploring Tapping Technique")
Fast-forward ten years.  Through professional networking, I met someone who is an EFT-Coach.  Hmmm.  That's EFT, not TFT.  Interesting.  Now, I find out that EFT stands for "Emotional Freedom Technique."  Another hmmmm.  It looks like, sounds like, feels like TFT, but it's called EFT.  Did the "name" change?

A little research uncovers some interesting information that explains why EFT seemed like TFT for me.  Dr. Roger Callahan discovered TFT, Thought Field Therapy over 30 years ago.  It has been described as a "Meridian Energy Therapy.  Gary Craig is called the founder of EFT, Emotional Freedom Therapy.  He studied with Dr. Callahan for years which included his learning Callahan's advanced techniques.  My understanding is that Craig went off on his own after realizing his strong difference in opinion with Callahan's insistence that the tapping sequence was imperative.

I wanted to experience EFT for myself but THIS time I had an opportunity to actually work WITH someone who was practiced AND, as an EFT-Coach (I'll use the name Gail until I get permission to use her real name), was someone who helped others work through emotional blocks with EFT tapping.  I chose something for which I knew I had a number of emotional blocks associated with it and I wanted to clear them.    Here's my experience:
Gail asked me to describe whatever it was I wanted to work on, then she asked me specific questions for clarity and probably to use with the scripts we would work with (note: I do not know if "scripts" is a correct way to describe this).  At some point, we begin the tapping.  Now this session was over the phone, so Gail was very good at guiding me to the points I needed to be tapping while having me repeat words she supplied for me.  She also had me check in with myself now and then to feel the intensity of the particular emotional feeling.  We used the typical 1-10 scale with ten being the highest intensity.  I've got to admit -- the intensity DID decrease -- AND THEN it was gone.  The emotional feeling around the issue disappeared.  I was impressed.
Since that time I have definitely noticed a shift in my perspective having to do with the issue that I brought up in the EFT session.  Now I want to understand the deeper truth of what happened.   I am a healing practitioner. I have healing practices in both Graham and Puyallup WA.  The healing work I do looks very different from EFT.   From a nondual healing perspective, my clients and I ultimately work in a space that's deeper than, prior to, the emotional level.  Yet we do go in and out of that nondual space depending on where the client is capable of descending to. (To be continued -- see "New Insights into EFT/TFT & the Truth")

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