Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Re-Exploring Tapping Therapy

Over 10 years ago, I discovered that there was such a thing as "tapping therapy."  The specific tapping therapy that I found was called TFT, Thought Field Therapy -- an energy system balancing technique.   I practiced using it myself and found it quite interesting, but it wasn't something I used everyday.  During that same time-frame when I was experimenting with TFT, an opportunity arose that allowed me to share TFT with a friend.  Here's a quick story:
A few of us who were attending a retreat decided to go out to a restaurant for dinner one evening.  Katie decided to drive.  We had a delicious meal including a glass of wine for each of us.  As we were leaving the restaurant and walking toward the car, Katie began sneezing . . . and sneezing . . . and sneezing.  She'd laugh in between the sneezes (and we laughed too) but it became obvious once we sat in the car that her sneezing was not stopping.  And, it also became obvious that she could NOT drive while she was having this sneezing-attack.
An idea occurred to me and I asked Katie if she was open to trying something "kinda weird" to stop the sneezing."  She said she was open to anything.  So, I showed her how we would be tapping on certain meridians on the face, collar bone, and under the arm.  At the time, I don't think I even remembered the karate-chop and top of the head points.
The words we used while tapping on the specific meridian points were quite simple:  "Even though I'm sneezing uncontrollably, I deeply and completely love & accept myself."  Sometimes she'd sneeze while we were going through the sequence of tapping and saying these words.  And, when that would happen, we'd all laugh and then continue with the process.  By the end of the third round, Katie had completely stopped sneezing.  As soon as she stopped, she asked "What did you do?!"  I laughed and said "I" didn't do anything; YOU did."
Another somewhat significant piece of information connected to this story/event is that the three of us who'd gone to dinner and tapped through Katie's sneezing attack were there together because we were all enrolled in the same healing school; and, we were attending one of our weekend retreats.  The tapping technique did not feel congruent with what we were learning at the school.  Something was missing.   For example, in the healing school, we were learning how important it is to see and understand the truth of what's happening in the Present -- to recognize how (when) our history actually colors our view of the Real.  We were learning how to experience Presence in a fully embodied way where whole truth arises along with other Essential Divine qualities, i.e., love, compassion, strength, and peace.  (to be continued -- see "The Missing Piece")

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