Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 3, Tiferet within Hesed

Hesed (lovingkindness, ever-flow, no boundaries, no restraint, unconditional giving)

Tiferet (beauty, mercy, compassion, the harmonization of Gevurah & Hesed)

How am I open to experiencing giving unconditionally?  And even unconditional lovingkindness? Let's see when I recognize lovingkindness, or a giving, that has no strings attached.  I'd love to directly experience beauty as a harmonization of Gevurah & Hesed without having "to think" what it would be like -- just to experience it.  And, how is compassion a harmony between Gevurah & Hesed?

My day was full yet not overwhelming.  I had plenty of space between appointments.  In fact, after my 2nd appointment, I let myself feel how tired I was -- acknowledged it instead of ignoring it.  Here again I see old ideas & beliefs showing themselves -- on of which is that tiredness is a form of weakness.  Today I was not only present with it but also decided to take a nap.  Was this decision from a place of compassion?  mercy?  Maybe so.  I'm learning more & more how essential qualities, such as, compassion, love, etc. are always present, available, & do arise as needed.  I've also learned that we're often not aware of the qualities of presence.

Here are two quotes that I found applicable for me relating to this third gate of consciousness:

Beauty is a reflection of truth, and truth is ultimately true nature. And the dimension of true nature that reveals this essential beauty is that of divine love. (Inner Journey Home, p 287)

Compassion is a kind of healing agent which helps us to tolerate the hurt of seeing the truth. The function of compassion in the Work is not to reduce hurt; its function is to lead to the truth. Much of the time, the truth is painful or scary. Compassion makes it possible to tolerate that hurt and fear. It is on the side of truth, and helps us to persist in our search for truth. The truth will ultimately dissolve the hurt, but this is a by-product. In fact, it is only when compassion is present that people will allow themselves to see the truth. Where there is no compassion there is no trust. (Diamond Heart Book 1, pg 92)

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