Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 6, Yesod within Hesed

Hesed (lovingkindness, ever-flow, no boundaries, no restraint, unconditional giving)

Yesod (foundation, connection)

Dropping into Hesed-consciousness today, I feel such expansiveness, plenty of space, uncluttered.  Within this state of being, this experience, I touch and move into Yesod.  What is Yesod within Hesed like for me today?  What's it like to sense my foundation -- where I stand? How is connection revealed to me today?  Connection to others? to the Universe? to myself? In what forms does connection unfold for me to experience?  Communication? Presence? Aliveness?

Today I found myself connecting with people in other countries (no geographical boundaries), experiencing their presence close to me, as if we were in the same room.  With each person, the communication felt so open and easy-flowing.  Also, a young woman from a local spiritual organization (one that I'd not heard of before) contacted me and asked me to present a talk to their group.  We enjoyed our connection -- communicating with her was easy, energetic, and free.  So, I'll be presenting a talk on using therapeutic essential oils on July 12th. This is a topic that I dearly love to share with others.  I feel like I have a good foundational knowledge and plenty of experience to share with others.

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