Thursday, June 02, 2011

Day 13, Yesod within Gevurah

Yesod (foundation, connection)

Gevurah (strength, judgement, justice, boundaries, restraint)

I read somewhere that Yesod is "the 'small' and 'narrow' bridge between the infinite potential of procreation that flows into it and its actual manifestation in the world.  We procreate on the spiritual plane as well as the physical.

My day was "bookended" with people I know from a business network and Free U.  It's actually rather nice to feel comfortable being with these groups.  Even though I've never "liked" networking, it seems that with this group of people it's just connecting -- real to real.  Nothing put on -- no fluff.  Just real people meeting together for a common purpose.

This evening's purpose was to envision how Robyn's shop would look in a new place.  I didn't think I'd like the space but as I listened to the others' ideas, I began to change my mind.  Robyn gathered together friends and business associates to help her envision possibilities.  She's located a new physical place (new foundation on one level) and yet it's close enough to her old shop to maintain her connection with her current customers.

This was an interesting perspective of this 13th gate of consciousness.

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