Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Day 18, Netzach within Tiferet

Netzach (victory, conquering, eternity, security, dominance -- also, determination, perserverence)

Tiferet (beauty, mercy, compassion, the harmonization of Gevurah & Hesed)

This morning I did an Inquiry about "Mercy" with a friend from my Diamond Heart group. We started out inquiring about Mercy, remembering some phrases -- particularly the one:  "Lord have Mercy."  My grandmother used that one.  She wasn't particularly religious; so, it seemed that the phrase was just something folks said in the south at certain times.

As the inquiry continued, the field informed us of a sense of helplessness . . . as if the one who's asking for mercy feels helpless.  There was also a sense that some authority was the one who would grant the mercy -- like a sovereign or a judge or a god. Moving deeper into understanding mercy, it became obvious that one typically "asked for" mercy which seemed to mean that mercy was not something already present but something that was needed.

It was interesting to discover during this Inquiry that mercy did not feel like an essential quality, like Compassion, Truth, Love.  Essential qualities have a non-dual state or experience even though the experience can be as a response to another.  Essential qualities arise naturally within the field -- inner and outer.  However, it seemed that mercy needs to be given and received -- a duality needs to exist in order for mercy to exist.

Later this evening I participated in my book/study group "Spacecruiser Inquiry."  There are 17 people in the group; and we meet for 2 hours, every 3 weeks, over a conference call.  One thing that came up tonight was the dedication and commitment each of us have to doing this work together.  We're studying the book -- not just reading it; and we discuss how the material touched us.  I'm always in awe at how energized and alive I feel when someone shares something honestly from a place of vulnerability.  The whole field responds and holds the person sharing as it holds all of us.  Group work is beautiful work.

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