Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Day 19, Hod within Tiferet

Hod (splendor, empathy, thankfulness, gratefulness, submission, surrender, joy)

Tiferet (beauty, mercy, compassion, the harmonization of Gevurah & Hesed)

Well, I must admit I have some expectation to this 19th gate . . . because I feel such an affinity to both Tiferet AND Hod.  That said, I'm open to experience whatever the Universe sets in my path this day, whatever I need to help me deepen into understanding myself, others, and the world (both within and around me).

I guess it was mid-morning when I began to recognize that I had some residual feelings and emotions having to do with some judgements.  I guess I'd been holding back some super ego ranting and finally she (SE) let go.  The judgement was around people in "service" jobs NOT being of service . . . in fact, not even acting as if they care.  It's interesting how a moment experienced at any time is connected to multiple threads within a pattern within your life.  I took the time needed to explore this pattern along with the emotions that arose as a result of giving it attention. The bottom-line discovery here has to do with "capacity."  I don't like it and I don't like admitting it but there are people who do NOT have the capacity to truly care about another human being -- sentient being -- unless there's something in it for them.  That makes me so sad to even write it.

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