Thursday, June 09, 2011

Day 20, Yesod within Tiferet

Yesod (foundation, connection)

Tiferet (beauty, mercy, compassion, the harmonization of Gevurah & Hesed)

This 20th gate of consciousness feels like another easy-to-be place for me.  I feel totally connected to all of my surrounding -- the beauty of nature that surrounds me in this setting, this place where I live.  This morning I feel very embodied, present, firmly seated with all of me here now.

What better way to enjoy this Gate . . . I left early this morning, after sitting, for a Raindrop Technique and massage.  Lynne uses therapeutic-grade essential oils -- seven single oils and then two or three blends. This particular technique touches every organ, every system in my physical body; AND, it also works in the subtle energy fields.  She began with my feet, working the various oils into each foot and focusing on my spine-area of the foot.  And, then she dropped the oils like rain (dropping through my auric field) up and down my spine. It felt so refreshing and relaxing.  I felt energized and yet calm.  This was a beautiful gift to myself.  And, I see doing things like this for myself as a way to maintain a healthy foundation for my body-mind-soul.

On my way home, I stopped and connected with a friend who's returned to working someplace she used to work . . . left and returned.  She's surrounded herself with beauty -- natural beauty, i.e., plants, trees, running water, ponds, fresh aroma and peacefulness.

In late afternoon, my grandson called . . . well, he's 14 months old and his mom said he wanted to call me.  I don't know how he told her that he wanted to call me . . . it didn't matter how.  I loved hearing his little voice making his 14 month old sounds.  He loves talking on the phone . . . and when he's done, he folds up the phone and hangs up.  All done! ha, ha, ha

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