Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 28, Malkhut within Netzach

Malkhut (kingdom, the reflection of everything) Malkhut represents the power that ultimately unifies all the diverse powers of the Sefirot and holds everything together. Without Malkhut, creation would remain incomplete.

Netzach (victory, conquering, eternity, security, dominance -- also, determination, perserverence)

Entering this 28th Gate I wonder what the day will reveal.  By 7:45 a.m., my work with my own teacher ignited a spark . . . a very deep understanding about myself and my work in the world. Integrating this revelation is continuing and will take some time, I think, before I'm even capable to expressing how this affects me.  I will say that our work together this morning reiterates a truth I've knows a long time, and one that I try to teach others as well -- God's will and my will are not as separate as we usually think.  Said another way -- God's victory and my (true) victory are the same.

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